Hello and welcome to our new website, the Taiwan Travel Blog, which is a continuation of the Foreigners in Taiwan Blog.

Some of you may be wondering why we would want to start a new website. The answer is that our old website is hosted on Weebly, which is an old and outdated platform that will soon be discontinued and absorbed into Squarespace. Weebly is super slow and outdated and has not kept up with the modern internet.

Ideally, I would have liked to move my entire site from Weebly to WordPress, but currently, there is no software available to make such a transfer without hundreds of hours of manual labor. My website on Weebly is already quite huge, with tens of thousands of photos. Many of those photos are stored in galleries which are impossible to move via software process. So instead of wasting hundreds of hours on that move, I am just starting again fresh on this website. Getting used to WordPress has also taken time, but it is a much more efficient website and blog builder, and overall just a better place to make a blog.

Anyway, as I mentioned in the “about” section of this website, originally this blog started out as three friends visiting Taiwan in 2014. Since then, I, Larry, am the only one left to carry the flame and ran the Foreigners in Taiwan Blog on using Weebly for many years, but Weebly is going the way of the dodo. I will still be updating useful posts on that site, but I will be writing all new posts on this site. Transferring the entire website from Weebly to WordPress was way too technical and time-consuming, so I am just continuing the blog on a new site here.

My mission is still the same: help others in the English-speaking world learn more about what an amazing island country Taiwan is, which includes showcasing interesting tourist sites, and historical areas, cultural events, travel and transportation information, hotels, rentals, activities, and basic information to help foreigners survive and thrive in Taiwan.

I hope this helps to answer any questions you have about this new site, and you can still visit our old site to check out cool posts there. I may try to move content from the old site to this site slowly but right now that is not a priority. I have lots of content to share, and my number one priority is to share new and interesting places that Taiwan has to offer with the English-speaking world. I would like to thank all my fans for the support given over the past ten years, and I look forward eagerly to the next ten.


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